No Photo in Facebook is Public view Protected

See the Original Photo in Facebook which has been kept hide from you by the Account Owner

We know Facebook is much more secured. But while you finish reading this post, a little doubt may arise on your mind, Is it really provide you higher security? Anyway let's go to the main theme. Somehow you get an image url, such as you goto someone's timeline and bring your mouse pointer over an image, hit right click and select "Copy Image Url" (varied from browser to browser). So you've got the link. Now open a new tab (shortcut: CTRL+T) and paste that url into the Address Bar of you Browser & hit Enter. If the image is small in resulation, then you can see the original size of that image with the procedure I've discussed here.

Now I give some examples to make it clear, why this post is for.

Suppose, Someone belongs to your friend list, changed his profile picture and share it to only him/her using "Only Me" feature. So you can only see a Small size profile picture on his/her timeline or you can see a smallest one on your feed or somewhere else s/he commented or other activities. But that may not clear, I mean the image is not clear. Usually a small photo have 160x160 pixels resulation will not show you clearly what it is.

I can give another example. Suppose, You've got a friend request or you've visited someone's profile. Let, You may know him/her. But s/he has only shared photos with his/her friends. Then you can only see the Profile Picture on his/her timeline and you can't see it in larger size to satisfy yourself that you really know him/her or not.

Now follow the procedure to see that image in original size s/he uploaded.
Check the url you've copied. After the last backslash of the url is a Photo ID.
For example:
I took it from a Profile Picture. Here "1394476_1382879745287581_890617088" is the ID of that picture.
Now you do copy an image url from your Timeline which is Larger one. Then paste it on another New Tab of your browser. Then replace the last portion of the url you've copied now with the ID of 1st one.
Or You can use this url: ""
So I've copied the ID from 1st URL is : "1394476_1382879745287581_890617088"
Now the Replaced URL is: ""
Above url after the ID "_n" most probably a category used for Original Sized Image. and .jpg is the image format.

Now copy this replaced url and paste it to you browser's address bar and see whats happened.
Try this by yourself.

So now my question is: I've set restricted Privacy to my Images on Facebook using It's privacy features. But anyone can see that Image. So for what the hell we need that Privacy Options while others can see that????????

Thank you!


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