- Alternative of YouTube
Iran launched a Video sharing website MEHR as alternative of the Largest Video sharing website YouTube.
MEHR means affection in Farsi, aims to attract Persian-speaking users and also promote Iranian culture, according to its About Us page. Iran makes this website MEHR to do competition with YouTube. Iran thinks Videos are in YouTube inappropriate to watch by Islamic regime."From now on, people can upload their short films on the website and access (IRIB) produced material" said IRIB deputy chief Lotfollah Siahkali.
A Facebook page has been created for MEHR; There are some link of it's Videos, including Music Clips Produced by Iran.
Iran has consistently censored YouTube since mid-2009, in the wake of the disputed elections that returned President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to power. Western websites such as Facebook, Twitter and YouTube are blocked by Iranian officials, who claim Western bloggers and governments are waging a "Soft War" against the Islamic Republic.
In Past Iran had announced to make their own internet system. And now They've announced to make their own Video Sharing Website. But Iran said that, they won't be disconnected while they've their own internet system.
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