Install Wordpress on WAMP Server
Install Wordpress on WAMP server and get all the features of Wordpress in offline to learn
Hello readers, Whats up?Today we'll discuss how you can install Wordpress on Localhost. You can get the full feature of Wordpress by installing it on Localhost, which you don't get on Wordpress subdomain and which are available if you install Wordpress on a manually Hosted domain from cPanel.
There so many localhost server available. WAMP is one of them.
Now let's go to the main point.
At first Download the WAMP server as your OS supports from here. Now install WAMP on your PC. Its so simple to install WAMP; so i just skipped the installation process for it.
Now follow the below steps-
- Run WAMP server. And open up your web browser. No Internet Connection is required. Type localhost/phpmyadmin/ on the address bar of the browser. Click on Databases.
- Now type wordpress on "Create new database" field and click on "Create". And you'll see a new database has created named "wordpress".
- Now Download the Wodrpress latest version from here. And extract it on the same drive you've installed WAMP within the folder named www. Path is like wamp>www
- Now Open up your web browser again and type localhost/wordpress. Click on "Create a Configuration File" on the appearing page. Then click on "Let's Go".
- Now on the current page, only change the User name as "root" and leave empty the Password field. And keep the other field unchanged(Otherwise you may find error). Click on "Submit".
- Now click on "Run the install" on the next page. Fill all the fields with "Site name", "Usename", "Password", "Email" and click on "Install WordPress". N.B- Remember this Username and Password; you'll need this to login on your wordpress account.
- Now click on login. Type your username and password and again click on login. You'll be taken into the Wordpress Dashboard.
That's it. The process of Installing Wordpress on WAMP has completed. :-)
For future login remeber the url- "localhost/wordpress/wp-admin/"
And type localhost/wordpress now to see your website. :)
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