Hide IP on Linux/Ubuntu/Kali/Backtrack using Proxichains & Tor

Sometimes you may need to hide your IP. May be you want to hide it for your personal interest or some other facts.

There are so many tools available for Windows. Most of them are premium. Or the Cracked version may work or not.
Whatever! I'm here to discuss about, How to Hide IP on Linux platform including Linux-mint, Ubuntu, Backtrack, Kali Linux, Blackbuntu and so on..
Required Tools:
  • proxychains
  • tor
To install Tor, open Terminal (Shortcut: CTRL+ALT+T) and type following command:

sudo apt-get install tor
You may ask for root password. Enter root password.
After completed the installation process of Tor, type following command to install Proxychains

sudo apt-get install proxychains
Now wait till the installation process is competed.
Now you've to change the config file of Proxychains. To do it, type the following command on terminal

sudo gedit /etc/proxychains.conf
The config file will open with Gedit. You'll see #dynamic_chain in line number 10 and strict_chain in line number 18. To have "#" before the line dynamic_chain means, it's disable. So you've to enable it by removig "#" from that line. And add "#" before strict_chain. Check the following image.

Now go to the last line of that file and add the following line.
socks5 9050

Now save that file and Type the following command on Terminal.

sudo su
Above command it to login as Super/Root user.
Now type the following command to run Tor.
service tor start

To check if the Tor is running properly or not, type the following command.
service tor status

Following command is to run your browser using proxychains. And obviously the url included with the command is to check your're Real IP is changed or not.
proxychains firefox www.zulkarnaim.tk/myip

If your real IP is changed then start browsing anonymously. Enjoy! :-P

Note: Interesting Fact is- Proxychains continuously changed IP's dynamically within a constant time.

Thank You!

Proxychains may available for Windows. You can try to search it. I didn't try it on Windows, So that I can't help it.


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