ICT Based Education in Bangladesh

ICT based Education in Bangladesh

ICT: Information & Communication Technology usually called ICT, is often used as a synonym for Information Technology(IT) but is usually a more general term that stresses the role of telecommunications in modern information technology. ICT consist of all technical means used to handle information & aid communication, including both Computer & Network hardware as well as necessary Software.

ICT education:   ICT education deal with the use of Information & Communication technologies (ICTs) within educational technology.

Purposes:  The main purpose of ICT in Education means implementing of ICT Equipments & Tools in Teaching-Learning process as a media & methodology. The purpose of ICT in education is generally to familiarize students with the use & working of Computers & related social & ethical issues.

ICT has also enabled learning through simulation games, this enables active learning through all senses.

ICT by country Norway: As a example In Norway ICT is a course which students can select for their second year of upper secondary school. From pre-school to year 10 ICT in interwoven throughout the curriculum as part of the Essential Learning of communication.

ICT in Bangladesshi perspective:
For establishing Bangladesh as a Digital one ICT based education is needed. To keep peace with modern world our ICT sector should be improved. The skills of using internet must be changed our educational system.


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